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Circuito 100, Parque industrial Colinas de, San Cristobal, Norte
San Luis Potosi, SLP, Mexico

Teléfono: 444 101 3041

Descripción de compañía:

Cactus Automotive Services de Mexico (CAMEX), a subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corporation, established in 2004, operates as lead Logistics-Conveyance partner and Supply-Chain specialist for World-Class customers that value a high level of support and  quality. We are committed to conduct business as the Toyota way and aims to be the most respected and trusted logistics partner in North America.

We are aligned to the Toyota Production System (TPS), we believe in identifying the source of the problem and thoroughly evaluate the facts in order to propose a solution that will prevent defective products from being produced, improve and gain high quality standards, increase efficiency, ensure a safe working environment, empower team members, implement "Just-in-time" to produce only what is needed by the next processin a continuous flow, eliminating waste and continuously generating cost reduction to logistics processes.

empleo Camex LL S de RL


Empresa CAMEX LL, S de RL de CV
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